
Viola is the Finnish national discography and the national bibliography of sheet music. The database contains references on Finnish sound recordings since 1901 and Finnish sheet music since 1977. Viola database contains information both on musical publications as well as single works and pieces. In…

List of Mary Gallén’s piano students 1910s-1930s

Amongst her many talents, Mary Gallén, wife of the artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela, was a musician, a concert pianist. During 1910-1930’s she excelled as a piano teacher. The list shows Mary’s 168 piano students.

Kalevala dataset 

The first set consists of 145 images from the Great Kalevala. Akseli Gallen-Kallela started working with the illustrated version of Finnish national epic Kalevala at the beginning of the early 20th century. The hand-painted and handwritten version of the Kalevala was to be his gift to Finnish…

Aalto University Archives in Flickr

Historic photographs, drawings and teaching resources documenting art, architecture, design and technology education and student life from late 19th century onwards. Historic teaching resources include an image set from The Paris World Exhibition 1889 and drawings by notable teachers including…